Monday, June 25, 2007

HCA statement to the freedom of expression in Azerbaidjan

From Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly International

To Council of Europe


Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly expresses its concern concerning the developed complicated situation in Azerbaijan regarding the freedom of speech and persecution of journalist which are accompanied with beatings and arrests. It is unacceptable that such situation occurs in a country which has joined European Convention on Human Rights and is a member of European Organizations such as Council of Europe and OSCE.

The problems surrounding the safety of journalists have reached its very serious state. After the 2 March 2005 ordered brutal shooting of famous Monitor Journal Chief Editor Elmar Huseynov, whose murderers have not been found and whose murder case remains incomplete, many other journalists have been exposed to pressure, including from “Azadlig” Newspaper Fikret Huseynli (kidnapped and beaten) and Nijat Daglar (beaten by unknown people), from “Zerkalo” Newspaper Rustam Mikayilov and Farid Teymurkhanli (beaten by police), from “Ayna” Newspaper Iddrak Abbasov (beaten by police), from “Bizim Yol” Bahaddin Haziyev (kidnapped, brutally beaten and left an invalid for life), from “Boz Gurd” Newspaper Ramiz Najafli (beaten by police), and from Turan News Agency Sarvan Rizvanov (beaten by police). And finally, as a result of a disagreement with police which turned into a fist-fight “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper photo-correspondent Ali Kazimli was bedridden in the hospital and at home for six months, and ultimately died.

We would like to briefly recall some of the recent repressive acts that have occurred against the press. At present seven (7) journalists are imprisoned, including four (4) that were imprisoned on the basis of articles 147 and 148 of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code (libel and defamation). In addition, there are at least six (6) well-known journalists serving probation due to articles 147 and 148.

In April of this year “Realny Azerbaycan” Military writer Uzeir Jafarov was attacked in front of his own editorial office. He received serious head and brain trauma. Even police that have shown aggression towards journalists wearing special uniforms made at the order of the Press Council with approval from the Interior Ministry are not punished.

In May of this year alone, three leading independent newspapers were compelled to close: “Realny Azerbaycan,” “Gundalik Azerbaycan,” and “Baki Khabar.” In general from January 2006- May 2007 tens of court cases against the mass media have been conducted. And fines against newspapers have reached a total of over 500,000 USD. The above mentioned incidents testify to the end of the independent press and destruction of the essence of freedom speech.

As an organization one of the work directions of which is defending human rights and which possesses the consultative status in the Council of Europe since 1991 we confirm that we recognize these imprisoned journalists as prisoners of conscience and demand their immediate release. We hope that Azerbaijan authorities having declared the will of becoming equal right member of European family will pursue internal policy in appropriate with European values and laws.

Bernard Dreano,

Arzu Abdullayeva,

Co-chairs of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly International


Monday, June 11, 2007

SIDU in Poland, 24-31 July 2007

Dear Friends Nigdy Wiecej (Never Again) and AEC (French branch of hCa) organize a SIDU (Seminar on intercultural dialogue and understanding) in Poland on the theme “Identity, Discriminations and Nationalism”. It will in take place in Piekary (20 km from Krakow) from the 24th to the 31ft of July. If you are interested, we urgently need your application: Name, Surname Date of birth, nationality Passport number, issued (date and authority), expiring (date) If you need a visa? Number of fax to send your invitation letter Have you a Polish embassy in your country? Our budget is, even more than usual, limited, and today we are not sure tobe able to reimburse more than 75% of the travel expenses. The number of place is limited, and the visa formalities may take time, SO WE NEED YOUR ANSWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, before the 15th of June Answer at If you have already sent an application please, do it again. Organization Team

Friday, June 08, 2007


8 juin 2007

The press release which has been issued on the web site of the Office of the Chief of General Staff on June 8, 2007 is an unacceptable statement in terms of democracy, rule of law, and human rights.

In the concerned statement :

a) Peace, freedoms and democracy defenders are directly TARGETED through being defined as “individuals and organizations using these concepts AS A SCREEN FOR THE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.”

b) All the citizens who are critical of the current “national and unitary structure” are being reflected as a threat against the Republic of Turkey, and different thoughts are convicted.

c) The above mentioned individuals and organizations are announced as the RESPONSIBLES of the increase in terror activities which occurred lately and are TARGETED in actual and legal terms once again.

d) The people are agitated to be out on the streets in a very dangerous and an unpredictable way by saying “The expectation of the Turkish Armed Forces is that the great Turkish nation is going to demonstrate a MASS OPPOSITION REFLEX against these kinds of terror events” in the press release. It is not a far probability that this would cause big lynch and attacking cases.

In a democratic state of law, it is clear that the highest ranking commanding level of the armed forces has no right and authority to deliver such a statement. We also have the right to ask the questions below against such a clear attack on defenders of democracy, rule of law, freedom and peace :

1) Since it was clearly and certainly known that “...terror would increase after May 2007”, why were there no effective measures to prevent such activities taken ?

2) Which measures were blocked by the defenders of democracy, freedom and peace ?

3) Is it asked to discard rule of law and democracy by labeling defending rule of law and democracy as “supporting terror.” ?

4) Whom and which bodies will be responsible if some groups attempt lynching and organize attacks against defenders of democracy and rule of law, and those who “they think supports terror” because of their identities ?

In fact, there are many questions to be asked.

We clearly state that, as human rights defenders, we will never bow to pressure. We have always opposed violence, and we still oppose it today. We also oppose failure of law and human rights violations. No single one should suspect that we will continue on objecting violence, attacks and war wherever it comes from ; and continue on defending human rights.







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